Popular Muslim Names – Guide to Choosing the Right Name

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is an exciting but daunting task for new parents. A name is more than just a label, it’s a lifelong identity. For Muslim parents, choosing a name for their child is an important decision as it reflects their faith and culture. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to popular Muslim names.

Muslim names are derived from the Arabic language and have significant meanings. The most popular Muslim names are those of the Prophets, Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), and other righteous individuals in Islamic history. It’s important to note that Muslims also have a preference for names that start with the letter “M” or “A” as they are considered to be auspicious.

Top 10 Popular Muslim Names for Boys

  1. Muhammad – The name of the last and final Prophet of Islam
  2. Ahmed – The most praised, one of the many names of Prophet Muhammad
  3. Ali – A cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and the fourth Caliph of Islam
  4. Omar – One of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad and the second Caliph of Islam
  5. Hassan – A grandson of the Prophet Muhammad and the son of Ali
  6. Hussein – A grandson of the Prophet Muhammad and the son of Ali
  7. Abdullah – Servant of Allah
  8. Yusuf – Joseph, one of the Prophets in Islam
  9. Hamza – An uncle of the Prophet Muhammad
  10. Khalid – Eternal

Top 10 Popular Muslim Names for Girls

  1. Fatima – The daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
  2. Aisha – The wife of the Prophet Muhammad
  3. Mariam – Mary, the mother of Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)
  4. Khadija – The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad
  5. Zahra – Bright and shining
  6. Sumaya – Proper name
  7. Ruqayyah – One of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad
  8. Amina – Trustworthy, faithful
  9. Hafsa – A wife of the Prophet Muhammad
  10. Safiya – A wife of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims also have a tradition of combining two names to form a unique name with a beautiful meaning. For example, Muhammad Ali means “praised one who is elevated” and Fatima Zahra means “shining daughter of the Prophet Muhammad”.

It’s important to note that in Islam, names that have negative meanings or associations are discouraged. For example, the name Harb means “war” and is not an appropriate name for a Muslim. Similarly, names that are associated with non-Islamic beliefs or cultures are also not recommended.

In addition to religious and cultural significance, choosing a name for a child can also have a practical aspect. A name that is easy to pronounce and spell can save the child from a lifetime of frustration and mispronunciations. It’s also important to consider the meaning and associations of a name in the language and culture of the country where the child will grow up.


Choosing a name for a child is a big responsibility and should be done with careful consideration. Muslim names have significant meanings and reflect the faith and culture of the parents. Popular Muslim names are those of Prophets, Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, and other righteous individuals in Islamic history. Combining names is also a common practice to form unique and beautiful names. It’s important to choose a name that is easy to pronounce and spell and does not have negative associations. May Allah guide us in making the best decision for our children.

  1. Are all Muslim names Arabic?

No, not all Muslim names are Arabic. Muslim names can also be derived from other languages such as Persian, Urdu, and Turkish.

  1. Can Muslim parents choose any name for their child?

Muslim parents are encouraged to choose a name that has a positive meaning and significance in Islam.

  1. Are there any names that are not allowed in Islam?

Muslims are prohibited from using names that have negative meanings or associations, such as names of idols or animals that are considered impure.

  1. Is it necessary to name a child after a prophet or a religious figure?

No, it is not necessary to name a child after a prophet or a religious figure. However, many Muslim parents choose to do so as a way of showing their love and respect for that figure.

  1. Can a person change their Muslim name?

Yes, a person can change their Muslim name, but it is recommended to consult with a scholar or an Imam before doing so.

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