Home Remedies for Teething Puppies

As pet owners, it can be heartbreaking to see our furry friends suffer from the discomfort of teething. Puppies, in particular, experience a lot of discomfort during this phase, and it can be challenging to find safe and effective ways to ease their pain. Will discuss home remedies for teething puppies that can help alleviate their discomfort.

What is Teething in Puppies?

Teething is a natural process in which a puppy’s baby teeth are replaced with permanent teeth. This process usually begins at around three months of age and can continue until the puppy is seven months old. During this time, puppies may experience discomfort, pain, and itching in their gums as their new teeth come in.

Signs of Teething in Puppies

It’s essential to know the signs of teething in puppies so that you can identify when your furry friend is going through this phase. Some common signs of teething in puppies include:

  • Chewing on objects and furniture
  • Drooling
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swollen, red gums
  • Bad breath
  • Whining or crying

Home Remedies for Teething Puppies

Here are some home remedies for teething puppies that can help alleviate their discomfort:

Frozen Treats

Frozen treats are a great way to soothe a puppy’s sore gums. You can make frozen treats by freezing broth or water in ice cube trays or freezing a wet washcloth. When giving your puppy a frozen treat, make sure to supervise them to prevent choking.

Chilled Toys

Chilled toys can also help soothe a puppy’s sore gums. You can chill your puppy’s toys in the refrigerator or freezer for a few hours before giving them to your puppy.

Hard Rubber Toys

Hard rubber toys are excellent for teething puppies because they provide a safe and durable chewing surface. Make sure to choose a toy that is the right size for your puppy to prevent choking.

Soft Toys

Soft toys can also help relieve a puppy’s discomfort during teething. Look for toys made of soft materials that are gentle on your puppy’s gums.

Massaging Gums

Massaging your puppy’s gums with your fingers can help alleviate their discomfort. Make sure to use gentle pressure and avoid applying too much force.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties and can help soothe a puppy’s sore gums. You can make chamomile tea by steeping a chamomile tea bag in hot water, then allowing it to cool. Dip a clean washcloth in the tea and give it to your puppy to chew on.

Clove Oil

Clove oil has natural analgesic properties and can help relieve a puppy’s pain during teething. Mix a few drops of clove oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply it to your puppy’s gums with a cotton swab.

Carrots and Sweet Potatoes

Raw carrots and sweet potatoes are great snacks for teething puppies. These vegetables are hard enough to provide relief to your puppy’s gums and also contain essential vitamins and nutrients.

Frozen Fruit

Frozen fruit like bananas, blueberries, and strawberries can also provide relief to your puppy’s sore gums. Cut the fruit into small pieces and freeze them before giving them to your puppy.


Teething can be a challenging time for puppies and their owners, but there are many home remedies that can help alleviate their discomfort. By using these remedies, you can help your puppy get through the teething phase safely and comfortably.


How long does teething last in puppies?

Teething usually lasts until a puppy is seven months old.

Can I give my puppy pain medication during teething?

You should not give your puppy any pain medication without consulting your veterinarian first.

Can I give my puppy ice cubes to chew on?

Ice cubes can be a choking hazard, so it’s best to avoid giving them to your puppy.

Are there any foods I should avoid giving my puppy during teething?

Yes, you should avoid giving your puppy hard, crunchy foods that can damage their new teeth.

What if my puppy’s teething pain persists despite these remedies?

If your puppy’s teething pain persists or if you notice any other symptoms, such as excessive drooling or bleeding gums, you should consult your veterinarian for advice.

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